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Mechanical solutions and fixes
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Established in 2008, Auto Insider is a one-stop destination for UK motorists. Whether you are trying to find a fix for Vauxhall Astra cold-start problems or need to know the 0 - 60 times of hot hatches you'll be able to find it at


The website content includes a UK wide business directory, motoring news, test drives, motoring events, checklists, a car make and model directory as well as one of the UK's leading databases for auto problems. The problems and fixes section was started in 2006 and was the first of its kind on this scale. With a database of over 20,000 solutions to a range of problems it's one of the site's strongest areas.

The Future

Auto Insider is currently undergoing development to boost the social interaction levels on the website. We've developed a framework to allow car enthusiasts to share their passion for cars whilst building something that thousands of car fans will find interesting and engaging. This is due to be launched in late 2012.

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